Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What can i do with my hair?

I've got really long(mid back) blond, thick hair. It's nearly stick straight, but sometiems it gets wavy.

I'm getting a hair cut in a few months to my sholders.

what kind of cut should i get?

i'm on a swim team so i still need to be able to put it up into a cap

and my face is really round, so i dont want to look 'fat' in my face. i'm really self concous about that

(incase your wondering, i'm cutting it that short b/c i'm gonna dontate 10in)

What can i do with my hair?

get ur hair layered and fit to ur face like

like these

What can i do with my hair?

The best bet is to talk to the person that is cutting your hair and tell them your concerns. After all, they will be able to see your hair and your face, then make the best decision.

Personally, I would get layers. I have really thick hair that is just a tiny bit wavy, and it is a lot easier to manage with layers.

What can i do with my hair?


What can i do with my hair?

cut it shoulder lenght, but no layers. some of my friends have this cut and its very cute.

What can i do with my hair?

What ever you do, try to donate your hair. Here in Louisville, KY. you can donate to The Locks Of Love. It is a charity benefit that goes to children that have lost their hair due to cancer and all the treatments involved. These people make wigs for the children. GOOD LUCK

What can i do with my hair?

Try this site:

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