Thursday, November 19, 2009

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

btw, i'm a non hijab girl and i always wondered... where do u get your hair cut?? like u can't go to a salon cuz guys are there right??

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Hello. Well, I like my hair long so I rarely have it cut, but if I do I go to an individual who cuts hair in her home. That way I can make an appointment when she is alone at home (dh at work and such). If I just am needing a trim, my husband does the honors, lol.

Fi Aman Allah,

Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

only gay guys and they are barely any where i go, plus there is a such thing a muslim beauticians or cutting hair at home. duh

Maria: the first sentece of your answer isnt necessarily true

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

There are salons operated by muslim women, for muslim women.

Some are open to the public plus have a separate room for mutahajibaat =)

I don't know of anybody who gets their hair cut at home though :/


oh yeah I just remembered, there are some Muslim hairstylists who cut mutahajibaat's hair in their home, by appointment =)

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

Real beauty of a girl's hair lies in her long hair. Alhumdulillah I have long hair but yes, I have given it a slight touch of good look. and I got it done from a Saloon where only females work. Secondly if there isn't any female saloon near by you, you can get someone done that at home. Because it is HARAM to get it done from men.

You can ask you mom,sisters, cousins, friends, anyone who can do that at home. These days there are many shows goes on air which shows different ways of hair cutting and all. you can get it done easily. and still you can't find any, then no problem, just get your hair trimmed and thats it. Cutting hair is not important, what is important is that follow the teachings of Islam, this world has an end, right ? :) ~!

Edit: of course it is not, but thats not what i say, but most of the world says... :) and to be honest, i don't like long hair, just till half of your back is fine.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

some salons have private rooms and can get you a lady to cut your hair, she may not be as good as the available guy but is good enough and was trained by the guy.

i live in an arab muslim county, the best available are men, even women who don't wear hijab usually don't go there .

even as a child i always got my hair cut by women, there are those who are pros and others who happen to be average.

i usually go to a spa and get a hair cut there , all spas in the area i live in are for women only and no men come near the place so we don't even bother walking around with hijab .

i've been to other countries where guys usually are in beauty salons , and when i asked around it turned out that you can get a haircut by a woman . when it comes to business they will do their best to gain more customers , just like when nordstrom had a day for ladies with hijab a year ago to get more clients.

edit: i'm sorry i wasn't clear about it , i think it was like a fashion seminar just for ladies who wear hijab , but it's the same idea to get new clients.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

We manage! :-D

There are many women who specialize in these things who are willing to come to our own homes. There are also a number of growing beauty salons (mostly owned by Muslims and easterners) that offer private rooms for hijabis (one in my town). Plus some of us have enough skills to do it ourselves, myself totally not included, lol! I can color my own hair, but that's about as far as it goes. When I was 5, I got a pair of scissors and tried to cut my own hair (which was really long). Well, it didn't work out to well. And mom was SO not happy, lol! My grandma had to take most of it off just to get it an even cut, lol! I guess it just stuck. If I tried it now I'd probably get the same results I did back then, lol!

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

I have had a stylist come to my home before. There are Muslim women hairdressers to and you can go there.

2 thumbs down for THAT answer? That's okay losers, I don't like you either.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

i dont cut my hair. but if i did i would hav a lady family member do it for me.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

As already mentioned, there are trained Muslim hairdressers who come to your home, and Yes, they DO make it pretty and style it nice! (Why shouldn楹搕 they??). Or, you go to their home. It doesn楹搕 s***, it is actually very nice. We can have a cup of coffee first and chat, if you have kids it doesn楹搕 bother them to have them along, you are with a friend. They aren楹搕 angry if you come late, or need to change the time.... in general, I like it better!

(In Turkey (and in other countries) some salons are only open for women. I have had my hair done there too. Men just aren楹搕 allowed inside, period. You just have to know (ask) which ones they are.

By the way, if we楹搑e talking about rules here, one can NOT get their hair cut by a gay male and say that it this ok for a women who wears hijab. A gay man is still a MAN (well, technically!), if he楹搒 not in your family, you can楹搕 show him your hair. If you must do this, DON楹揟 call it Islam.)

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

i know three or four stylists that will have me come to their house, or them to mine. Another woman I know reserves a special closed area in the salon she works in.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?


Why can't we go to a salon?? (",)

There are so many places that are just owned by women,we can sit comfortable and have our haircut if we wish too.

Hmmm I wouldn't have my hair cut at home, last time my sister did when I was younger she ruined my hair bless her she was trying to act like a hairdresser (",)

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

I don't wear hijab (yet). In Morocco I got my hair cut at a salon where men were kept separate from women. In all countries there are places that cater only to women, you just need to look for them.

As for long hair... I don't miss it and I don't care how beautiful it is, I opt for short hair. My short hair requires almost no maintenance, doesn't give me headaches and keeps me much cooler in summer. A woman can be modest, comfortable and beautiful without long hair.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

There are lots of salons that cater to only women. I've never had a problem in the US going into the salon....there is never men in any of the ones I went to there.

Now I live in Morocco and there are women only salons and mixed. The women only have curtains covering there windows and doors so men can't even look in when passing by.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

may u put on hijab, i am sure u cant enter jannah, its part of a muslim women's "satr al 3awra" u need to put hijab, allah will ask u on the dau of judgment, ur not ganna say ppl make fun of me

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

Yes I do... and at the salon... there are plenty of salons where all the workers are women...

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

Why too much interest about hair in hijab. Most important is whats in head. Muslim women are not only beautiful but also intelligent and loving. She never cross question u.

i think pineapple is suffering from a serious descrimination syndrome. its called..only gay men can cut hair best.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

well i don't know much about not going to a salon cuz u wear hijab. I mean, i do wear a hijab but that doesn't neccessarily mean i have to wear it every where i go. Atleast i don't wear hijab anywhere else than school so i get my hair cut at a normal salon.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

I go to a salon in JcPenney I just ask them to cut my hair in a isolated area so no one can see me!

Edit:@Kluv I don't know where you heard that Hijab is not an Islamic thing if ur Muslim I think you need to re read the qur'an becuase it is an Islamic thing its not a culture thing so there for the ones that wear the hijab are Real Muslim women!!

The Qur'an says:

"Say to the believing man that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands..." (Qur'an 24:30-31

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

theirs some places where we go cut our hair and it's a Arabic place.and sometimes we go where they don't have men in their.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

Oh, well my hair stylist is wonderful!!! She's Ismaile Muslim but she dearly respects my sister and I for wearing hijab. She always tells us to make appointments before coming and she closes off the entire salon when we go to get our haircuts. She doesn't let anyone else enter the salon while we are in there. Also, she has some male workers who work there, and they also leave when we come. I love going there so much, and she's a really nice lady.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

I get my hair cut in a salon. It's a girls salon and they shut all the curtains and everything so no one can see or sometimes i get it cut when im on holiday. We usually go to an islamic country like Jordan, Syria......

Hope i answered your question lol


Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

I agree with Carlash.

Girls who wear hijab, where do you cut your hair?? i always wondered that...?

i dont wear hijjab cuz its not an islamic thing its only cultural

so im a true muslim women

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