Thursday, November 19, 2009

Help for short, "poofy" hair?

My daughter has thick, wavy hair. She had it layered and now she says it is poofy and uncontrollable and even her Chi straightener isn't making it the way she likes it. She wants to have the layers cut out. Her hair is at the nape of her neck. I fear that cutting it to get the layers out will cause huge amounts of more drama over her hair being too "poofy". Would a hair cut help, or would it make life even more tearful than it already is? I can't take much more!

Help for short, "poofy" hair?

Buy a diffuser like Bedhead, use hot olive oil treatments, use triple moister from Neutrogena, and massage head with a wide tooth comb

hope I helped it worked for me

Help for short, "poofy" hair?

She should wash it, and then blow dry it or let it air dry either way. And then before using the flat iron, she needs to use some heat production stuff, chi sells a lot of these products. And this should do the trick, if not, go to a hairstylist.

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