Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

it depends on the intention. if the thought behind the act is to derogate from the subject's perception of personal attractiveness, then yes, it is self-destructive. if this is the case then it has to do with self-esteem. the subject is trying to manifest externally a sense of diminished personal worth. "i'm ugly and worthless inside--i need to show it in my appearance."

on the other hand, if the intent is simply to make a change, then the act would not be characterized as self-destructive. if the subject is feeling depressed, he/she may attempt to change his/her appearance in order to express a desire for internal change. if this is the case then the step may actually be perceived as positive--an action-oriented attempt to disrupt the dysfunctional status quo. in other words: "i'm feeling bad, i need to make some changes to get out of this funk."

often the reality of such an act is somewhere in between these two extremes--a measure of both a desire for positive change and an act of self-mutilation. in any case, it is certainly a cry for help. if you are talking about yourself, you ought to consider seeking some kind of professional counseling--if you're in school, a guidance counselor is a good place to start, or you could ask your doctor to recommend a mental health professional.

good luck

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

I would say so yes. Maybe you should get some help mate, just incase you're not seeing clearly. Better to be safe and all that. Good luck hun!

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

noo well maybe

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Big time.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

it depends how your hair looks. it could be a pleasant relief or some masochistic act... i hope it's the first one.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Do you do it to improve yourself? If yes than it is no!

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

depends on how u cut it. did u mess it up or do a good job.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

sounds like it. hair is a very important feature..i wouldn't cut it when you're depressed.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

I dont think so. Unless you were purposly trying to give yourself a hairstyle that you dislike.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

No. It just shows that you yearn for a change in your appearance. I cut my hair all the time...although I tend to do with when I'm just bored, not depressed. If you're feeling depressed, you may want to talk to someone you're close to or a counselor. :)

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Yes go to a shrink; or beauty school to learn to cut it right at least.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?


Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

You think. I would admit myself to a Psch ward for a few days.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Its all in the motive.

You could do it to look better and cheer yourself up.

You could do it to look work as self punishment.

Its all in the motive.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Yes. It's a prelude to possible escalation into more dangerous forms of mutilation. I'd seek help from a therapist ASAP.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Maybe? I hope not tho..bc I do, not like in a crazy way. It's just like you're trying to improve yourself or at least thats what it is for me. I don't freak out and start chopping. So I guess it really all depends.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?


Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Ever since 1995 I have looked at Depression as a bodily defense mechanism. I think people do not understand Depression.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

No, just trying to make your self feel better. Changing looks while depressed can help people lift their sprit.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

i do it all the time and yes i think it is

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

if you feel depressed and feel the need to get rid of hair by cutting your hair. why not remove hair from another part of the body. My not remove the hair from your privates.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

how long was your hair first of all...and when you cut it were you upset about something before you just took the scissors and cut??? a psychiatrist would need to know these things!!! just to warn you!!!

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

if you hacked at it ruthlessly, with a destrutive intent, yes. If you went to a salon to get a new hairstyle to cheer yourself up, then no.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

No, you got a free hair cut, thats all...

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Yes and No

American Indians do this when "Grieving" the loss of family or friend

I have done it with tears in my eyes for the same reason.

If this is the case,say nothing,it is very personal.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

I would say that it might be self destructive depending on your motivation for cutting it. If your purpose is to punish yourself or use it as a way to show your internal pain, then yes, it could be destructive.

On the other hand, if you just have a new look in mind that you think you might enjoy or it would make you feel better about yourself or more comfortable, then I'd say, no, not destructive.

In either case, be careful about this kind of decision without lots of thought and a plan for the end result. If you are already depressed, a bad hair day is just gonna bum you out more. (Goodness knows a bad cut/style is enough to START a bout of depression...)

Turn it in to a treat and find a stylist you trust. Good luck!

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

um, yes, because you're destroying a part of who you really are!!! but you know, if you're depressed because you think you have a bad hair cut, then go ahead to fix it... but hun, don't just cut it cuz you're sad... go do like sports, or something, doing that releases endorphins which make you happy, trust me.... but you know, don't try to mess up something thats a part of you just cuz your sad... there are other ways to solve it... besides, will cutting your hair make it all better? the situation is still the same, except your hair is a shorter length...if i was you, don't do it!!!

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Depends on how you cut it. If you just hacked at it angrily, and left it in a mess, then I'd say "yes"; but if you just felt like a new look, then why not?

If you feel depressed, you could get on here and let it all out. Of course you'll get some negative responses, but you'll also get positive one's. If people give you unkind answers remember, that THEY are the ones who aren't seeing straight.

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

yes i used to do it all the time when i got upset or frustrated i would cut my hair short my mom did the same things to us girls we had short hair till i was 10

Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?


Is cutting your own hair when depressed considered a self-destructive act?

Hi: You may be tense, depressed, or wish to have shorter hair. The problem you see is when you cut your hair. If you cut it when you were feeling well, would you have this same concern? Also, if you have ever pulled out your hair, then there is a big problem and that's called Trichotillomania.

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