Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hair cut needed soon, need help?

Hey, I have longish hair at the moment and it gets really mucked when it gets all windswept and everything. I would like a hair style thats a bit shorter and i can wax about a bit can you post some pics so i can show the hairdresser?

My school is kind of strict on long hair but you can post long haired pics you think i would suit as well maybe for the summer, but preferably a style that i can wax about for now.

Pics of me:

Hair cut needed soon, need help?

Any reputable hairdressers will have pictures you can look at. You should be able to get a free consultation so that you can discuss your worries and get advice.

I will not look at your pictures as I don't need to see you. It is your hair, your choice: nothing to do with me.

I can only give you the above advice.

Hair cut needed soon, need help?

i love your hair in the first picture.

Hair cut needed soon, need help?

Get a haircut somewhat like that, but you don't have to dye it black or anything. If it looks to "emo" for you, just cut it a bit shorter, keep it in your regular hair color, and it can look more surfer-ish or something.

It's all up to you; plus, they have some good hairstyle pictures and haircut place, so be sure to look through them!


Hair cut needed soon, need help?

You look good in the first picture, you're good looking.

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