Thursday, November 12, 2009

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

First explain to your gran daughter ,

what you are doing and why !

separate the main strand of 'chewing gummed 'hair

wrap a small bag of frozen peas around it

hold it there, for at least 10 minutes

the chewing gum will harden

it can then be combed out quickly but (gently .)

If any chewing gum remains, repeat the process ,

NO NEED ~~~~

to cut her hair ! or put grease on it or shampoo it )

It will not take long , and should not upset your grandaughter


My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Keep ice on the gum until it hardens and then comb it through.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

peanut butter along with a comb. or ice

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

use penut butter, works every time! good luck閳?br>My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Wash it out with Man %26amp; Tail shampoo. Or take her to a black hair salon.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Ice, ice it down. The chemicals in gum become more brittle when frozen or nearly frozen, this makes it sticky property decrease and makes it easier to remove from hair and clothes

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Make it brittle with ice - just don't let it make her too cold.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

I heard you could freeze the gum with an ice cube. If it doesn't work, there is no harm done.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

hi wat a sticky situation if it was my daughter i would get some ice and freeze so then it would break off good luck

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

wash it out w/ peanut butter!!!

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Only thing you could do it cut. You can try cold water. NOT HOT!! The hot water will just make it worse. Then get out as much as you can, comb it, then wash it in cold water with shampoo.


My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

freeze the bubblegum with ice and then it should go hard and brittle so you can break it!

good luck!

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

try applying ice cubes to the gum this will make it brittle and you should be able to flake it of the hair

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

ice gets bubblegum off everything.leave it on for a while.good luck

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

A lot of Peanut Butter... but I mean a lot.... like the whole bottle/jar and then when it's out just go take a shower...

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Thats a tough one, try freezing it.......hold some frozen veg around it until it goes hard then work on the hair you can pull free.

I think it might need cutting depending on how severe it is xx

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Hold ice cubes on the gum untill it goes hard, then it should just break away from her hair

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

peanut butter or tarter sauce work best, yea they do sound gross, but hey at least it's better than having gum in your hair, and there also is that wonderful invention called the shower!!!

: )

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

spread a glob of peanut butteron the gum. work the peanut butter through her hair until the gum comes out. the peanut butter will wash out with regular shampoo.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

peanut butter.


rub peanut butter into her hair where the gum is...this might take a while...then have her shampoo after all the gum is gone

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

same thing happnd to me, my mom used butter

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

use alot of peanut butter or ice and comb out slowly 2 avoid tearing

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

I know this sounds weaird but try putting butter or mayo on it,it really works!!!!!!!!!!

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

Two ways.

First use Ice to harden the Gum and then break it off with a hammer if it is far enough from the scull if not use pliers but make shore the gum is refrozen every so often.

Second use a car cleaning product that is designed to remove Tar and Road deposits. Do a test area first if the hair is dyed . If not keep away from scalp if you can, wash hair Afterwards.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

definetly use ice that way the chewing gum wil harden and so it would be very easy to take out afterwards just needs a little patience x

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

I hate to ask but how did she get it in her hair?

I;d cut it out

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

rubbing alcohol, worked for me.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

if her hairs long shut it in the freezer then it should just break off (the chud not her hair) not advisable for short hair thou for rather obv reasons try ice cubes instead

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

try sticking Ice Cubes on the bubblegum, it weill freeze it and it wil.l break off.

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

peanut butter

My grandaughter has pink bubble gum in her hair, how do you get it out with out cutting the hair?

use ice or peanut butter :) good luck

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