Saturday, November 14, 2009

If you smoke pot and had to take the hair test beside cutting all your hair off what can you do?

Ask yourself why this is posted in the cancer section?

If you smoke pot and had to take the hair test beside cutting all your hair off what can you do?

You are pretty much screwed. It stays in your hair follicles. Do you know when you smoked last? If you were chronic smoker and the last time was a month ago, then you have about 1/4-1/5 inch of hair right from your scalp that is clean, the rest would be filled with THC. If you weren't a chronic smoker, you will have less THC and more hair that is clean.

If you smoke pot and had to take the hair test beside cutting all your hair off what can you do?

Find a different job or ask for a piss test. Shots of vinegar works like a dream. OR...............shave your hair and wear a hat. They do hair follicle testing in different ways. They can test 60 days which will be your new hair growth.....90 days which will include older hair, and 120 days which will include up to 2 inches of your hair. Shave it off and pray to the gods that he will replenish you with a new growth of luscious hair by morning so WHOEVER will not be suspicious

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