Thursday, November 19, 2009

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

I have a 3 and a half year old son who is desperate for a haircut, he refuses flat out to go even into the hairdressers. When we do manage to get him through the doors he goes mental and gets so upset he hyperventilates.

The particular hairdressers we used to go to were very rough with him last time and they managed to cut the back of his ear with the clippers as he was so scared and i think he remembers it. We went looking for another hairdressers but they all said if he didnt sit still they woulndt even try and cut it off.

We have tried bribing him, distracting him, i even tried doing it at home but hes so scared of the clippers he wont let me near him! Even trying to use scissors doesnt work as he puts his hands over his head and will get his fingers cut.

Leaving his hair long is not an option he needs a haircut so any ideas would be brilliant. Thank you

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

i have no idea! i have a 2 year old boy and i never cut his hair once!

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Have him get it with his father. My son hated haircuts but then I started sitting him on my lap while I got mine, then it was his turn! yea make it sound exciting..he'll like it.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

is he scared of scissors? theres nothing wrong with just having a trim with scissors. Um maybe you could have your hair cut at the same time to show that theres nothing to be scared of?

Hope this helps.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Hand him candy while he gets his haircut.. A lollypop or something that takes awhile.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

It may be more difficult now that he's already scared, but I used to do my boys' hair at home because they weren't good at sitting still and I always let them watch a video (as it was then!) of their choice, which worked wonders! Worth a try?

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Simple tell him, he's gonna be more good looking and add some ice cream, I think he'll have the hair cut...just so I think

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Wait until he is sleeping.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

i had the same problem with my son at that age

I ended up sitting behind him on the porch, clipping a small bit of hair and blowing it (like kids do to a dandilion) then i let him blow it off of my flat palm

he liked doing it and let me cut a little more so he could blow the clippings

I had to use scissors since the sound of the clippers freaked him out so bad but his hair had gotten so long and messy I didnt mind

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Have you tried taking him to one of the kid hair places I think they are called carnival cuts we have them in MI where I live. I'm sure wherever you live theres something like that for kids. Look it up online see what you can find he might be more willing to go with the kid theme. I had to use stickers with my 5 year old when he was that young....we played games by sticking them on his shirt and letting him stick them on me while he got his hair cut.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Oh, Lord, been there with that one! Take your little boy to a big man's real barber shop. The kind that gives a basic $5 boy's haircut and only boys can get their hair cut there and has the striped pole outside. Bribery is never a good idea with small children. But you can tell him that afterward, if he's good, you can stop at the local ice cream place (DQ or Baskin Robbins, etc) and let him show it off while selecting a single scoop flavor cone.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

go wit a male figure he loves, like his dad, brother or uncle while they get their's cut he would want to cut his's too. children loves to do what they see an adult do

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

i think this is normal on every kid. i had the same with my son also. but he loves racing cars. i make used of it.

anyway even though you manage to get to the hairdresser, if the hair dresser did not do his job in minutes all in vain. tell the hair dresser to cut the hair using the small machine. as it will not touch the skin of the head and it will be very fast also. but be careful.

if he refuses so much dont push him to do it, as it is not necessary for a little fellow to have a nice haircut. just take him to hairdresser when you go to cut your hair and let him get some exposure.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

is there a shop in your town that specializes in children we have about 2 in our little town the kids sit in cars, boats, planes and the cartoons are on things that make it as fun as hair cut can be i would as stylist to only use scissors

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

My son was the same he would go mental at the sight of scissors.. This is what I did. Firstly take him with you when you go to the hairdressers and sneak a choc bar/crisps to the receptionist to "give" to him whilst you have you hair done. He'll then associate the hairdressers with this (I know its a form of bribery but sometimes it pays off) Then when he needs his cutting, remind him of this "treat" he had there and tell him he'll get that again if he goes to have is hair cut. Good luck

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

He's had a bad experience so it may take a while, leave the subject completely alone for a few months(don't even mention when anyone else has a hair cut). Then re-introduce him to the idea by letting him see all the other members of the close family have theirs done(not at the same time) preferably by the same person, each time reassure him saying he doesn't have to have it cut. Then broach the subject with him say something like is your hair getting in the way would you like a little bit taken off? Judge his reaction, if he appears less scared your getting there gently try to get him to have his hair done, if he's still petrified it might be worth having a word with your health visitor for more idea's.

Another way is if he has an idol like David Beckham ask him if he wants his hair done like that.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

It sounds like he has been allowed to get away with refusing to do other things as well. At three he cannot be allowed to have his own mind about very much. Your will should be his will! You must be forcefull enough to make him do what it is you want him to do. His behavior in the barber/beauty shop is a symptom not the problem. He is in-charge not you! I would try to get his attention and then control his behavior. He must understand that he must obey at all cost. He does not have a choice!

One important lesson I learned from a pediatric dentist friend. He said to me one day, in his office, notice what is not back here.....PARENTS! This is my world, my stuff and they do what I say! PERIOD, over and out! I observed him very carefully and he was in total control. Sit in the chair, open your mouth, I am now going to stick a needle in your mouth and you are not going to say a word, do you understand! Yes Sir...please stick me!

You may want to find a barber that will take charge and allow you to leave as soon as you get there, or take total control. The shop where I go, the barber often takes first timers back to his toupee room and does the cutting. He will photograph the child for you and then gives them a certificate a few days later. He plays games with them, has toys for them, makes farting sounds with the vacuum and all the rest.

I would urge you not to go, and have his father/man take him with written instructions for the barber. I can remember the first time I went to the barber with my dad and it was electric. Me, dad and the barber! The barber would even shave me!...With the back of the razor! I was the little big man!

Prior to going I would try to verbally address his fears but let him know that he is having the haircut. If he acts-up let eh barber throw him out with a half done cut. Take him back a day or so later to finish the job after he asks the barber to forgive him for his inappropriate behavior in his place of business.

My wife has been a hair dresser for 30 years and she has never had a problem with cutting any kids hair. A great deal of it is your attitude and not giving in to him at all for any reason. I question his real fear at his age. The hyperventialtion is an attention getting not play into his game. He has you over a barrel..change barrel's!


How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

My son, after watching my husband cut his own hair with clippers, picked up the clippers and cut his own hair. Of course we had to finish it up afterward, but by then he experienced for himself that it didn't hurt. So, hand him the clippers, put him in front of a mirror and let him do his own.

Another suggestion you can do separately or even in combination with my above suggestion is to videotape him in the process. Is your son enough of a ham in front of a camera that he'd allow a haircut? Of course, if he throws a fit, you can show it to him later and show him how silly he looks. You could ask, "what would it be like if Daddy acted like that?"

Also, if he throw a fit on camera, you can show it to him later in life and laugh, and laugh and laugh.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

If the hairdresser was rought with him then im not suprissed hes scared thay also cut him , can you imagine whats going throw his little head , try get him use to sitting on your knee or let him go with his dad/mum when getting there hair cut , let him get use to that ,NEVER HOLD HIS HEAD WHEN GETTING IT CUT , you will make him more scared, your going to have to do it yourself just for now , even if you just have to take a bit off each night while hes asleep , he will come round soon , good luck

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

I go to a hairdresser where the seat is like a motorbike.

They let him play with the water spray bottle.

He loves getting his hair cut and when they are finshed he cries.He loves people touching his hair.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

start calling it a hair trim or hair do instead of a hair "cut" well help a bit.

also buy some books about kids being scared to go to the hairdressers then finding out it was fun and safe.

get a few fake scissors, spray bottles and combs and have him "trim" your hair then you do it to him.

also send him with people who are getting their hair done every time you know someone is going have him go to and have him get a treat there so he associates the hairdressers with a nice treat.

read lots of books about it and play hairdresser should help ease his fear but it may take a month or so.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

get a hairdresser 2 come 2 ur house.

put on his favorite program and tell him its a game. works with my 4 yr old.

luckily my 2yr old enjoys having his hair cut

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Start getting him used to things that go along with a hair cut. Wash his hair in the kitchen sink and spend time styling and combing it. Don't talk about trimming or cutting it. Use gel to make silly hairstyles and have a great time. Let him wet your hair with a spray bottle and a comb it into silly styles, too. Put a towel around yourself so that you look like you are at the barber shop. Maybe you should act scared and not let him touch your hair. See what he says to you. That may be what he wants to hear. I would have a barber come to your house for his next haircut. He won't be so scared. Maybe you can even go first. Most hairstylists already travel to cut their friends' hair. Call around and see if someone close to you will do this. Good luck.

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

maybe take your son to the hairdresser when you decide to get a haircut so he can watch how harmless it is. you could even hold him in your lap while he is getting his hair cut. some beauty/barber shops are kid-oriented with murals and lollipops as rewards, but if you can't find one in your area, just find a clean and bright looking place with friendly staff. reward him for good behavior and try telling your son that haircuts are fun and everyone gets them!

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

I can't blame him for being scared after his last experience! Poor thing, and poor you... my middle son is autistic so haircuts are a nightmare so I empathize with you!

Here's what works for us - I tried different kid friendly salons (not sure where you live, but we have kid salons near me, like Snip Its, etc.) - ones that catered to kids and had fun things there like bubbles to blow, video games, TV's and of course treats like lollipops! Anyways, they're usually a tad better cutting wiggly kids hair. My son would still freak out at times, so I would just hold his head still while the stylist cut his hair, while he wailed away. Not ideal, but getting a haircut is a fact of life. as he got older (he's now four) he's totally fine getting his haircut. Good luck!!

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

i know its hard but have you tryed doing it wile he is a sleep ?

my son is unable to understand whats going on so we wait till he is a sleep wrap him up in a towl (quite tighht so if he dose wake he cant knokn the trimmer out of your hand) and just do it as fast as you can

i know it sounds extreem but it works

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

i had the same problem a week ago. my step mum let my son hold the clippers and gradually got him to hold it first on the back of his hand then his arm then his stomach. she showed him that it isnt a sharp dangerous object when used properly. after ten minutes he let her cut his hair no problem. obviously might not work for everyone but worth a try

How to get a 3 year old to have a hair cut??

Get a hairdresser who does home visits to come round - and when they are in your home try a bit of bribery when the haircut is about to begin (chocolate buttons or similar).

Might be worth a try.

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