Thursday, November 19, 2009

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

I accidentally cut some of the inner skin it did fall off or anything but its purple and its been like that ever since. i cut to close. so what exactly happened? this is embarrising...

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

The purple is probably just from the blood. Kind of like when we get a bruise, it's first dark blue or purple, then it gets brown and goes away.

Make sure to gently wash the area every night before bed, so you don't get an infection. Just keep it clean. Time will help it heal and go away.

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

I've never heard of this.. Sorry, I'm lost. ):

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

You bruised your skin. Plain and simple. Do keep an eye on it as it could get infected. And if it does go see a doc.

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

don't worry it is just some epithelium or skin of the vagina, it will heal. be careful next time please

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

go to a doctor and get it checked out . it could have gotten infected underneath the skin.

no big deal, just see your doctor so he can examine it.

since it hasnt healed in a few months, it needs a doctor's attn.

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

probably you just pinched that bit of skin and it left a bruise

A few months ago i was cutting my Pubic hair and...?

If months have passed and you have no other problem except the colour change, just forget about it. It may take longer for colour to return to normal or it may be permanent. Just maintain a perfect hygiene.

Good luck!

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