Thursday, November 12, 2009

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

Cutting the split ends keeps your hair from splitting up the hair shaft and breaking off. Hair grows from the hair follicles in your scalp and the average growth in a healthy person is one-quarter to one-half inch per month. There is absolutely nothing, nada, that makes hair grow faster. No pill, serum, massage, voodoo....nothing. All the people who claim their products make hair grow faster and laughing all the way to the bank.

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

At the end of yur hair is "dead ends" the dead ends is where yur hair stops, and once yur dead ends are to long, yur hair needs cut so there is more space for yur hair to grow i think,

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

I Asked My Hairdresser This Question And He Said... "By Cutting Your Split Ends It Makes Your Hair Grow Faster Because Your Hair Is So Fixed On Trying To Fix Your Split Ends (Wich Is Almost Impossible For It To Do On Its Own) But When You Cut Them Off Your Hair Is Not Looking At Trying To Fix Your Hair, Its Looking At Growing Your Hair. "

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

It doesn't affect the hair growth rate. You only get healthier looking hair. Your hair is growing at the follicle levels deep in your scalp. Your hair ends have no effect on growth as that's programmed by your genes from birth. Some are born with fast growing hair and others have slow growing hair. Nothing can change that, except perhaps better nutrition overall. The healthier your body, the better performance of all of the parts. So eat the right foods and get the proper rest and relaxation and more of you will glow all over!

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

it's like plants-u cut off the dead buds so new ones can grow

by cutting split ends ur removing unhealthy hair so healthy hair can grow-%26gt;healthy hair=stronger hair which means longer healthier hair

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

It doesn't. Your hair grows from the roots. But your hair appers to grow faster bcuz when you have spilt ends your hair breaks off, making it shorter. Cutting it makes it longer over a long pierod of time.

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

it dosnt

hair grows from your head

ppl dont kno wat there talking bout

thats like saying biting your nails will make them grow longer ( =

How does cutting your split ends make hair grow faster?

Cutting your hair only makes it shorter, does not affect the growth rate one iota, and cannot determine the length that your hair will grow to. ..To Know more about your hair will help you.

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